We’ve been quite fortunate this winter to have had several encounters with red fox in the park. It seemed like a good excuse to show off some of the photos! Although red fox are not necessarily uncommon, seeing them is still a treat. The red color in their coat stands out beautifully against the winter snow, making for fun and interesting photos.
The photo above was taken near Mammoth Hot Springs. We were driving home from a morning in the park and came across this beautiful fox zig-zagging it’s way through the sagebrush. Luckily we were able to pull over and take a quick picture.
The photos below were taken on our way to Old Faithful earlier this winter. The fox was hunting when we pulled up in the snowcoach, and quickly pounced on and ate what we assumed was a vole. It was hunting in deep snow near a thermal feature, making the red coat quite striking against the beautiful green and white background.

The fox below was photographed on the northern range, near Slough Creek. It had just munched a vole, and then wandered over to the sagebrush nearby to take a nap.

Perhaps our favorite encounter of the winter came while skiing near the Lamar River. We had been skiing cross country, and picking our way through some willows along the river when we spotted this fox. It slowly meandered through the willows right in front of us, and continued on it’s way up the valley. It’s magical moments like these which take our breath away, and fill us with awe for the animals that call this ecosystem home.

Let’s hope our good fox luck continues into spring and summer. Stay tuned!
Photos: Jenny Golding