This sculpture was nearly recycled on multiple occasions. “Moosely Affections” (Bronze; 52″L x 11.5″W x 20.5″H, Edition of 22) was taken in and out of storage several times over a period of 6 years between its start and its recent completion. I would pull it out, determined to destroy it and recover the clay, the armature (internal skeleton) wire and be done with it! Lo and behold, I would find myself reworking certain aspects of the sculpture and before I knew it, several hours had passed. After doing this enough times, I finally realized that the sculpture just needed to be finished; not all of them turn out this way. Inspired by a pair of moose along the Gros Ventre River in Teton National Park, this idea has been floating around for a long time. I’m glad to finally see it as a physical thing—a finished piece of artwork— as opposed to carrying on as vaporous thoughts atop a discombobulated pile of wire, wax and clay. As odd and awkward as moose seem to be, these enormous creatures are capable of great subtlety; watch them sneak silently through a willow patch, see them select out the choicest of tiny twigs to eat amid an entire copse of others, or to introduce themselves to a new potential mate…

“Kissing Moose” is cast in bronze in an edition of 22 and measures 54″L x 10.5″ W x 22.5″H. To purchase one of these sculptures, please contact us. To view George’s other sculptures, visit his gallery

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