by George Bumann | Jun 11, 2021 | Yellowstone Life
The first thing you notice is the claws. Like five slender piano keys against the backdrop of ebony and brown grizzly fur, they grip one’s attention like an industrial magnet. Far from menacing now, they are objects of exquisite beauty and curiosity. Sadly though, the...
by George Bumann | Feb 16, 2021 | Animal Language, Featured animal language
What do wild animals and the Broadway play Hamilton have in common? Decoding animal language is like watching a universal play. If the world of decoding animal language is new to you, you’re in for a treat. Deciphering animal language is a bit like pulling back the...
by George Bumann | Feb 9, 2021 | Animal Language, Featured animal language
Have you ever wished you could speak raven, or at the very least wished you could understand what they are saying? Maybe instead of raven language, you would want to speak chickadee, badger, or barred owl, but whatever the case, there is an incredible world awaiting...
by George Bumann | Feb 1, 2021 | Animal Language, Featured animal language
Wild animals are communicating all around you. Here’s why you should start tuning in to animal language. What if I told you there was an unbelievably rich world of animal language and communication happening around you all the time, yet unseen by most people? And...
by George Bumann | Oct 26, 2020 | Art
Put your camera away. Stop your car. Take a few minutes to pause along your walk to stop and contemplate—then pull out a sketch pad and start sketching the nature around you. Don’t have one? Correct this ASAP and better yet, get a few and place one in your...