And the seasons roll on… the sun makes its inexorable journey across the horizon and we do our best to recognize its travels. The “Sunrise Project” is one that was done at our first home in ‘inner city’ Gardiner several years ago—in...
“Do you see the grizzly bear? Right there… on the trail… that dark hump in the grass!” While we rejoice at finding clues and signs of our favorite wildlife (like the grizzly bear) while out and about, the truth is we are seen by wildlife far...
Sometimes the elemental things can stop you in your tracks, and as far as mud goes, it can do it in a few different ways! Despite the frost and sub-freezing temps, signs of warmer-days-gone-bye are still with us: a snapshot from this morning’s a walk with the...
There’s been a change in the air lately. The chokecherries are ripe, elk are bugling, and the last blooms of fireweed cling to the top of the stalks. Summer, it seems, is at an end. The air is cooler yes, and the light slants differently, but it’s more...
We love the sights and sounds of Mammoth Hot Springs during the elk rut. This was shot in the wee hours, and is a tad dark. But turn up the sound! We love the bugling of course, but the sound of calves and cows calling to each other, and the sound of their hooves on...