When the old post office in Gardiner was being built, our neighbor found a chipped piece of obsidian in the earth around the site. That piece turned out to be an 11,000 year-old fragment of a projectile point knapped from volcanic glass that mined at Obsidian Cliff,...
When park rangers tell you to secure your food on a snowmobile, they mean it! Ravens are wicked smart, and are very creative when trying to break into your pack to steal some food. Watch this short video of ravens breaking into a backpack left on a snowmobile in...
Hang out with George in the studio as he transforms recent observations of wolf behavior into three different wolf sculpture ideas. Which one do you like...
We’ve been quite fortunate this winter to have had several encounters with red fox in the park. It seemed like a good excuse to show off some of the photos! Although red fox are not necessarily uncommon, seeing them is still a treat. The red color in their coat...
We rarely let a winter go by without going down to Old Faithful. Getting there is a bit of a trek; the roads are closed to wheeled vehicles from November to April and the landscape is buried in snow. Instead of hopping in the car and driving an hour and a half like we...
A quote that I really like but have never been able to properly attribute goes like this: “If your life is worth living, it’s worth recording”. This is why I keep a field journal. We all encounter things that are magical, unique and frankly, in some...