by Jenny Golding | Feb 10, 2018 | Animal Language, Featured animal language, How To, Nature, Yellowstone Wildlife
Wolf mating season runs from mid January to early March in Yellowstone. While many animals are having the hardest time of their year right now amid the cold and snow and lack of food, wolves are at their peak. Denning season is just around the corner, and wolves are...
by George Bumann | Jan 22, 2018 | Animal Language, Featured animal language, Nature
The chimney’s smoke drifts upward, moving absolutely vertical—as if by magic. High on this earthen step above the Yellowstone River, Gardiner is seldom without a breeze; this stillness is a genuine rarity. The morning walk is surreal, the atmosphere of suspended...
by Jenny Golding | Jan 10, 2018 | Nature, Videos, Yellowstone Wildlife
River otters are so much fun to watch – playfully slipping and sliding across the snow and diving into the water to fish. We’ve been super fortunate lately to have extended viewing time with a group of 3 otters in the Lamar Valley. In the video below you...
by Jenny Golding | Dec 19, 2017 | Experiencing Yellowstone, Nature
Magnificent, surreal and ethereal, Grand Prismatic Spring is not only one of the most iconic thermal features in Yellowstone National Park, but also a stained-glass-window into the forces at work beneath the park’s surface. At 370 feet across and 120 feet deep,...
by Jenny Golding | Oct 25, 2017 | Experiencing Yellowstone, Nature
While there may be fewer showy aspens and cottonwoods than other rocky mountain places, the fall color in Yellowstone is still impressive, especially if you fix your gaze below the forest canopy. The range of reds and oranges and yellows to be found in shrubs like...
by Jenny Golding | Oct 23, 2017 | Family, How To, Nature, Videos, Yellowstone Wildlife
When we woke up Saturday to a fresh layer of snow, we knew it would be a good morning for finding animal tracks. Sure enough, after about an hour of meandering along the creek bottom, we came across an exciting find… mountain lion tracks! It appeared to be a...