Everything we offer to help you get closer to nature in one handy place!

Here are all the free and paid resources, programs, artwork, and photography we have to inspire you to connect with nature, wild animals, and wild places on a deep, personal level.  

Yellowstone Resources, Guides, and Online Programs

 Get the latest park updates, plan incredible park experiences, learn new skills, get insider's tips, connect with the Yellowstone community, and gain deep insight into the the park on a whole new level. Access OVER 30 2024 masterclass presentations from the ultimate online event for Yellowstone lovers in video or podcast format.

$97 $37

Yellowstone for kids boy at Black Pool

Young George Bumann will help you uncover the park's many secrets by providing a uniquely "kid" perspective on how to make your trip to Yellowstone an unforgettable experience for the whole family.

$45 $19 

Do Yellowstone Better  

free guide

do yellowstone better guide

Get our insider's guide and discover how to unplug, tune in, avoid the crowds, and experience Yellowstone’s true magic.


Yellowstone wildlife watching guide

 Learn our secrets for where, when, and how to look to experience your own "National Geographic" bucket-list wildlife encounters on your next visit.


five wildlife signs most people miss in yellowstone

Up level your Yellowstone wildlife watching skills and see more than you could imagine, by learning to listen to animals. 


visiting yellowstone with your family free guide

Get our tips for fully experiencing the true magic of Yellowstone as a family.

free Video

Yellowstone from a kid's point of view free video

Watch the free video to get a uniquely "kid" perspective on Yellowstone.

Free Resource

Get the itinerary and packing list from Jenny Golding's epic backpacking journey.

Animal Intelligence and Language

New book!

 Are you ready to eavesdrop on your wild neighbors? Are you ready to learn how to tell a warning call from a mating call, a purr of satisfaction from idle chatter? Then this book is for you.

Eavesdropping on Animals book cover

Online Course

George Bumann's signature online course will guide you to a deep understanding of the language and behavior of wild animals, and transform your relationship with the natural world.


fREE masterclass

Animals are communicating all around you in ways anyone can observe and interpret. Sign up for the free masterclass and learn how.

coyote howling secrets of animal language

Free guide

Easy steps to start tuning in to animal conversations and change your relationship with wildlife forever. 

language of the wild animal language guide

Online workshop

Learn examples of the alarm calls of many common animals across the northern hemisphere.


See the art and photography

Inspired by wildness...

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YouTube Playlist

free video series

Wild Conversations

YouTube Playlist

free video series

wild conversations youtube playlist

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Hey there!

We are George Bumann and Jenny Golding of A Yellowstone Life. Through art, writing, photos, stories, online classes, and practical advice, our mission is to inspire others to engage with the natural world and design their own creative, natural life connected with wild places and wild things. Learn more about us here

Yellowstone Resource Library Jenny Golding and George Bumann

©George Bumann/Jenny Golding/A Yellowstone Life