Planning a family trip to Yellowstone?

Sign up to watch the free video Visiting Yellowstone from a Kid's Point of View to get a uniquely "kid" perspective on whats fun and cool to do in Yellowstone, and how to make your family trip to Yellowstone amazing. 

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Hi! My name is George and I made this video just for you.

After exploring Yellowstone with my mom and dad for my entire life (I grew up here) I decided to create an online course-Yellowstone for Kids-to help your family uncover the park's many secrets by providing a uniquely "kid" perspective on what makes Yellowstone amazing, and how to make your trip to Yellowstone an unforgettable experience for both parents and kids.

This free 25-minute video is packed with really cool facts and helpful tips from my full online class. If you like what you discover and want to buy the full class, you'll get a special discount after you sign up. If not, you'll still learn lots of great Yellowstone National Park facts for kids and advice for planning a family trip to Yellowstone.

Hang out with me and I'll show you my insider's view of Yellowstone!

Ready to get the inside scoop on Yellowstone from a "kid" point of view?

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We'll email you a link to the video right away. You'll also be added to the A Yellowstone Life email list where you'll join a community of Yellowstone lovers, and will receive regular email updates about Yellowstone. You can unsubscribe anytime.

©George Bumann/Jenny Golding/A Yellowstone Life